KataHatiJomblo.Com used to be a Personal Web Example Personal Blog in 2010, with the concept of a blog. A personal website that is only used as an online record and plays with google adsense. The CMS used is Joomla and virtuemart.
The following is the secangkirkopi.us website that we built in 2010
PencilSpirit.info, ArtikelMengenai.co.cc, SecangKirKopi.Us, in 2008 this web was first built with the name artikelmengenai.co.cc then in 2009 it was moved to pencilspirit.info and in 2010 it was renamed again to secangkirkopi.us now with the awareness of website managers of the importance of traffic and SEO, SecangkirKopi.Us again changed its name in 2013 to become a KumpulanCerita.net that is more relevant and more able to capture keywords than PencilSpirit.info domains, ArtikelMengenai.co.cc, or SecangKirKopi.Us.
KumpulanCerita.net is a collection of stories from various sources that are considered to have interesting topics or stories, as well as PencilSpirit.info, ArtikelMengenai.co.cc, or SecangKirKopi.Us, all three have the same content, only different SEO strategies, until the time this article was written, visitors per day reached 100 people, and that was recorded from google.com search engines only.
PencilSpirit.info, ArtikelMengenai.co.cc, or SecangKirKopi.Us are no longer active with the same content as before, some have changed topics or web content, such as SecangKirKopi.Us which is now a website that provides information on coffee shops in Surabaya.
To see content from PencilSpirit.info, ArtikelMengenai.co.cc, or SecangKirKopi.Us in the past, you can visit this Interesting Story Collection website