search engine visibility

SEO Is Search Engine Optimization | What is it? FULLY DISCUSSED

SEO is Search Engine Optimization that is attempted by a person or institution to achieve the highest position on search engine search pages such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. The term optimization itself can be interpreted as optimization, or efforts to get optimal results. Keep in mind that SEO can be applied to anything that can provide “search results” based on keywords or keywords entered by users.

What is a Search Engine

From the language Search Engine is a search engine, a set of code scripts in a website that is able to separate pages of content based on keywords entered by website users. So from this understanding, we can conclude that search engines are not only google, bing, yahoo, but there can be tokopedia, shopee, bukalapak or other e-commerce. In fact, wikipedia can be said to have its own search engine. The only difference is the search results page or SERP. If google, yahoo and bing load pages from other websites, tokopedia, shopee, bukalapak and wikipedia load their own website pages.

Definition of Keyword

Keywords or keywords themselves are words that you enter into the “search” or “search” form of a website. These keywords will be targeted to get the highest ranking by SEO practitioners on a search engine.

What Are the Benefits of SEO

The benefits of SEO are actually not only one, not only making the targeted keywords at the top of the SERPs, but also making people visit your website to go up. With the increase in visits, your product will be more known, your website will be more recognized. If your product is more known, automatically the chances of getting buyers or users of your services will increase. Likewise, if your website is increasingly recognized, in the future it will open up opportunities to be used as a reference for valid information, so that people voluntarily share the information on your website.

SEO is Search Engine Optimization
Benefits of SEO Increasing Visitor Traffic

In the image above, since we did the SEO, website visits have increased dramatically.

SERP (Search Engine Result Position)

SERPs are the results pages of a keyword search. It is this search results page that SEO practitioners continue to monitor. Whether or not the SEO efforts carried out will be proven on the SERPs.

How to Create SEO

How to make SEO possible for SEO practitioners sounds funny, even absurd. Why? because SEO is a verb, not a noun or the nature of an object. The question is the same as “how to make a run”, it is impossible, because run is a verb. Why SEO is classified as a verb, because it is a “done effort”.

The types of SEO are divided into 2 On-Page and Off-Page

There aren’t many sources that clearly say the types of SEO, but we’ll try to break them down. The types of SEO that we are talking about we review from the side of the “work” space, namely those that are done on the website itself (on-page) and those that are done outside the website itself (off-page).

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is a wide variety of techniques that are done “inside” the website itself. Some of these SEO techniques include:

Search Engine Friendly Techniques

SEF (Search Engine Friendly) can be translated as “search engine friendly. The point is to make our website as a whole understandable and accessible by search engine crawl bots. In this technique you have various sub-techniques, including,

  • SEF URL is to change the URL/permalink from the programming language to be more understandable, to change the long one to the short. Example of a programming language permalink: changed to
    Example of a long permalink:|-What-It is changed to
  • SEF Image, which is the addition of an “alt” attribute to each image, so that the search engine bot crawler understands the content of the image. What is a crawler bot, is a series of code that is used to automatically comb or scan a page like a scanner. Example of SEF Image: If we add an image to the text (especially HTML-based ones) it will automatically add this kind of code “img src=””/”, now because the crawler bot cannot recognize the image it needs an image description that is created by adding alt to the code, “img src=”” alt=”cat image”/”. On wordpress, blogspot or joomla, you don’t need to add any code at all, just fill in the alt image section when entering the image.
  • SEF Page is to arrange a page so that search engines understand the topic of the page. Among them, the addition of headings and subheadings (h1, h2, h3, etc.), as the structure of headings and subheadings. Added “title” and “description” meta tags to the header. Manual addition to meta tags does not need to be done if using CMS (read what is CMS?), because it automatically follows the article title for “title” and follows the first sentence in the article for “description”.
  • Using HTML and CSS as page presenters, HTML is a language that can be understood by search engine crawlers. While CSS is to arrange the layout, the display of the upper and lower case of the letters so that it is easy to read, the images and colors accordingly. The data from the HTML on this page is the result of the PHP programming language process with data retrieved from the MySQL Database.
  • And various other SEF techniques
Statistics of SEO Strategy On Page
Statistics of proof that SEO strategy on page succeeded

Keyword Density

Keyword density is the proportional number of keyword repetitions on a page. Then how much is proportional? The proportional means is that the number of keywords depends on how many words are written. To make it easier for us to calculate the proportional number of keywords, we can use keyword density checker spread across the internet.

Page Speed

Page Speed is the speed at which a website page opens perfectly. Google has informed that page speed is one of the factors used in its algorithm. An algorithm is a list of various factors used to rank a website in the SERPs. So important to Google, they created a website speed measurement website, at pagespeed insight.

Internal linkage is how a website page can be connected to other pages, the better the internal linkage is better in the eyes of crawlers or humans. For example, website development services, if you click it will go to another page

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the average time a website visitor opens or browses your website. The longer the bounce rate, the more positive the impact on the website’s ranking.

Off-Page SEO

Off Page SEO is a variety of SEO techniques that are done outside of the website itself. Some of the techniques carried out are as follows,


Ads is one of the off page SEO techniques by advertising on other websites. There are many examples of advertising provider media for websites, including google ads, facebook ads. This technique is the most expensive, because there is a cost that is not cheap. Why do we include this technique? because some SEO experts are of the opinion that this technique includes Non-Organic SEO. In other words, the number of visitors to your website can be increased even if you lose the competition in the SERPs.

Backlinks are an SEO technique by multiplying links to one’s own website from other websites. Some of them are creating free blogs whose content provides links to their own websites. Another way is to create a PBN or private blog network, which is to create many websites that aim only to link to the main website.

Social Media Signal

Social media signals are signals how popular our website is discussed on social media. The strategies used can vary, one of which is to share our own website to various social media.

What Do We Think of SEO Strategies

In various fields, there is always a dark side that takes part in the industry. In the world of SEO there are 3 sides involved, white science (whitehat), gray science (greyhat) and black science (blackhat).

WhiteHat SEO

Whitehat is all techniques that are safe and free from penalties (search engine blacklist). Most of these techniques do focus on how visitors like your website, how your articles are very informative, quick to open and convenient. Although there are some that are regulated for search engines such as the on-page SEO techniques above.

GreyHat SEO

GreyHat SEO is classified as a gray science, which is all techniques used to outsmart search engines but have not been proven to be blackhat SEO even though the method is very close.

Blackhat SEO

BlackHat is any technique that is actually banned by search engines because it harms website visitors. This technique actually sometimes works, but that is if it is not discovered by search engines that are getting smarter. The risk of blackhat is nothing but a permanent penalty and blacklist from the search engine, again, if cred. Like corrupt people, they can enjoy the fruits of their corruption, only if they are not caught.

We have done all three, the blackhat SEO technique does not last long, because sooner or later it will be sniffed by search engine technology. The SEO greyhat technique is just a matter of waiting for the time for punishment. While what is sure to last a long time is whitehat SEO. Because basically we create a website to benefit others.

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